Five Fun Facts About Me

First blog post!! I am really excited to be back to blogging actually. When I first got married I started a blog (like everyone else who got married in 2013) and once I realized I probably was not going to make it as a *blogger* I stopped posting. Oops. I always thought a blog extension of Cassie Hiatt Films would have to be only wedding focused but I am going to use this journal to incorporate a little bit of everything!

So for my first official CHF blog post we are kicking things off with five fun facts about me!

  1. I was a surprise baby! My parents had my sister and brother and thought they were done! 20 years later I came along. Yes, TWENTY. My sister is 23 years older than me and my brother is 20 years older than me. My mom and sister were pregnant at the same time too! I have a nephew two months younger than me.
  2. I have a hard time committing to favorites (anyone else?) but I guess if you asked my favorite food I would say sushi. Or mexican. When it comes to sweets, dulce de leche is my flavor of choice. I am a sucker for caramel. A close second is peanut butter!
  3. For a while I thought I would go into producing. I was even a producer on a music video for The Killers. Here is the imdb link to prove it.  
  4. I don’t care how nerdy it is. I love musical theater. My friend and I have season tickets to the Broadway shows that come to Charlotte and it will be something we will do together until we die. If I am listening to music it’s either broadway show tunes, Taylor Swift or Novo Amor. If my kids are with me it’s the Super Kitties Soundtrack on repeat.
  5. My husband and I have been saving up for my dream (I say mine because his number one is a safari to Africa) vacation to Bora Bora. We have been hoarding all of our credit card points since we got married and we are about 6 years out from taking that trip. 

Wow that was harder than I thought it would be. Excited to blog all things wedding, personal life, and business on this site. Thanks for being here!